Is there a gundam battle tactics english patch
Is there a gundam battle tactics english patch

is there a gundam battle tactics english patch is there a gundam battle tactics english patch

8-24-2009 - New updates to Calculations and figures section, the full list of NT pilots and their explanations are up, along a work-in-progress version of pilot's statistical effect on their machines table.10-01-2009 - Thanks for all the new contributions! English Event Trees are in progress now, with AEUG And Titans both partly done.10-05-2009 - English-translated Event Trees are complete for Titans, AEUG, and Axis.

is there a gundam battle tactics english patch

Planning to create a detailed page for every unit and character over the course of the next month or so. 01-25-2010 - New updates to the Character and Mechanic Database sections, filled in the almost all remaining blank characters and mobile suits.03-21-2010 - Law/Chaos New Pilots page created, translated from japanese wiki.03-23-2010 - Unit recommendation and battle tactics page created, the page is currently under construction and undergoing formatting crisis.Has a link to the English translation's pastebin. 354 articles since July 2009 Contents ( view all pages)

Is there a gundam battle tactics english patch